Sunday 20 February 2011

Thursday 17 February 2011

Happy 5oth Birthday, Susan!

Dear Susan,

Happy 50th Birthday! It's been so lovely to have known you for the past 11 years. The first party of yours that I ever went to was your 40th. Oh my, how time has flown. We have shared so many fabulous times together ~ laughs and tears, good times and not so great times. We have 2 fabulous kidlets who have been friends all of their lives and who have shared so much too. During that time you've been a new mum, a more experienced mum, a  uni student, a work, work, worker, a uni graduate. You've lived in 2 different towns. You've loved an older house and you've built a new house. You've been a great friend, loyal and fun and funny. I'd so love for you, now at this next phase in your life, to blog about life as a 50 year old. You've got so much to talk about and share and it'd be really, really fun {I promise!}.

So, I felt the need to set up a blog for you to share your fabulous life as a fifty year old gal. A place to rave about your fabulous daughter and the fabulous area you live, your fabulous family and your extra fabulous friends and everything else that's fabulous and worth blogging about.

I know this may come as a surprise to you. You may even feel a little pressured and worried about blogging. That's only normal, dear 50 year old. I'm here to help, in anyway I can. I will be your blogging friend and probe and I will nag, nag, nag you until you start writing and sharing about your fabulous life at 50.

Please, please blog! PLEASE!

I've so enjoyed setting this up for you and if you need help along the way then I'll be there, through it all. You've got so much to share and we'd all love to be sharing right along with you so...

Happy 50th Birthday, you brand new 50 year old blogger, you!

Love always

Your friend and fellow blogger

Kim xx